R o b e r t P a c e
composer / singer / producer
During the many years of his professional musical career Robert Pace
has written unnumerable compositions of differend kind of musical styles.
Playing piano, guitars, keyboards and many percussion instruments he is
used to combine acoustic and electronical stuff.
As a real muliple talent concerning writing wonderful lyrics and creating
ambitious songs with unique musical atmospheres he confirms that
inspiration and devotion are the main sources of his creative work.
Almost in the early eighties he had a big success with his first own studio
production "let´s do holidays" which became a summerhit in 1984 and has
been presented in many national and international television shows.
Since then he realized many musical projects
(please click the button: "LINKS" and use the listed
internet-sides for musical presentation & downloads)
(Jeronemo Ironsmith)
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